Current and completed third party funded projects
Current projects
PhD stipend and material expenses of the graduate school 2204:
Substitution materials for sustainable energy technologies
DFG project (WI-1842/12-1), cooperation partner Prof. Janek:
Electrochemical synthesis of functional noble metal compounds in ionic liquids
DFG project (WI-1842/11-2), cooperation partner Prof. Christoffers:
Polysulfonic acids and polysulfonates: Synthesis, structures, and properties
DFG project (WI-1842/6-2):
Synthesis, structure and function of oxo-anionic compounds with metals from the groups 4 - 10
Completed projects
PhD stipend of the "Stiftung der Metallindustrie im Nordwesten" (Jörn Bruns):
Designer precursors for the deposition of ultrathin oxid layers of early transition metals
PhD stipend of the "Fonds der chemischen Industrie" (Ulf Betke):
Synthesis, structure and properties of compounds with the refractory metals Nb, Ta, Mo, W, and Re containing complex oxo anions
PhD stipend of the "Fonds der chemischen Industrie" (Oliver Büchner):
Compounds of the coinage metals with complex anions: synthesis, structure and properties
PhD stipend and material expenses of the graduate school (Martin Pley):
Acentric crystals
DFG projects:
DFG project (WI-1842/11-2), cooperation partner Prof. Christoffers:
Novel oligosulfonic acids for the preparation of functional architectures
DFG project (WI-1842/6-1):
Synthesis, characterisation, and precursor potential of refractory and platinum metal compounds with complex oxo anions
DFG project (WI-1842/5-1), cooperation partners Prof. Al-Shamery, Prof. Fatikow:
Robot assisted preparation and characterisation of gold layers and gold nanostructures derived from novel designer precursors
DFG project in the course of the priority program 1166 (WI-1842/3-3):
Structure and properties of transition metal containing oxo selenates(IV) and oxo arsenates(III) of the rare earth elements
DFG project in the course of the priority program 1166 (WI-1842/3-2):
Structure, magnetism, and spectroscopic properties of transition metal containing selenites and arsenites of the rare earth elements and their derivatives
DFG project in the course of the priority program 1166 (WI-1842/3-1)
Structure and magnetism of transition metal containing selenites of the rare earth elements